Welcome to Heartland Prayer! We are here to provide prayer support and to help hold you up in Spirit's Light in the best of times and in times when you need a little extra help!
Why Heartland Prayer? Well, why not? Where is the Heartland, after all, but in the very Center of your Being, the very place where Prayer comes from, is felt the most, and where Spirit hears and answers! Because every land is the Heartland, and therein dwells the Spirit of God!
In the coming days, we'll be sharing information about prayer and other spiritual topics such as meditation, oneness, the Will of Spirit, etc., but in the meantime, feel free to submit a prayer request or question about prayer. We will pray for and with you and provide you the encouragement you need whenever requesting prayer. Anytime someone feels the need - or utilizes the privilege! - of reaching out to someone else for prayer support - the need in their life is great. We know this. We've been there and done that! If nothing else, prayer reminds us we are not alone and that someone else cares. Spirit cares of course, but a human connection sometimes help make the difference in holding on or giving up while we wait for Spirit's timing to unfold.
We hope you will share your prayers of praise for all the good things that have come into your life and offer in confidence your prayer requests. All prayer requests will remain confidential and communciations will never be shared without the express written consent and permission of the requester. Prayer is a private and confidential experience between you and Spirit (God, Great Spirit, Higher Power, or whatever and however you refer to the Higher Being that created and continues to create All).
Contacting us is simple - all you have to do is send an e-mail to heartlandprayer@yahoo.com and we will respond with prayer support and spiritual encouragement to help you meet life's challenges!
Thank you so much for visiting us today! We hope you will return and share with us again!