Unity's annual World Day of Prayer on September 11, 2008 - brings millions together to celebrate oneness for healing in the world. Prayer services will be held across continents, with live streamed events broadcast from Unity (click this link for more info:
In the Springfield, Missouri, community, Christ Church Unity will hold prayer services all day on September 11. Their prayerful affirmation for the day: "Rejoicing in our oneness with God and one another, we celebrate healing in every aspect of our lives and in the world."
Throughout our busy day, let us pause now and then to prayerfully hold in heart and mind our families, loved ones, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and yes, even those we are not close to, in the golden healing Light of Spirit to dare to imagine a global healing of universal proportion. May we make it a day of kindness and service to others, setting aside our own concerns to help someone in greater need in whatever way we can.
Practice "random acts of blessing" today and every day - let the blessings begin with you and you will be beautifully blessed in return. Open your Heart to Receive the Light of Spiritual Illumination and feel the Peace flowing through you. Know that You are One with Spirit. You are One with All That Is. Know that GodSpirit has a plan for your life and for your healing to bring your awareness to the Wholeness that you are - you are the Wholly One and One with the Whole.
May you be Blessed richly and completely and make Gratitude your Mantra - "I am Grateful and I am Blessed, Now and Always." Allow yourSelf to be open and receptive to the hearts around you and seek to provide comfort and peace.
There is no place where God is not, so remember that you are never alone. Allow yourSelf to bask in the perfection of Creation, witness now to the incredible evolution of life and Spirit, neither a separate act, but both One in Union with the Divine, a process of Spiritual Unfoldment within us, through us, and as Us.
Thank You, Blessed Spirit, that we are all blessed and guided by Your Perfect Presence now and always.
This, or something Better, with the Highest Good for All Concerned, now and forever.
And so it is.