Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Motivating Words

A great resource I have referred to for several years when needing an inspiring quote is "Motivate Us" - they have a website filled with all sorts of inspiring and encouraging resources. It is managed by Marlene Blaszczyk, Creator, Editor & Publisher Motivating Moments (MotivateUs.com).
Currently, they have a PowerPoint presentation/show available called "The Courage to Be Great" which features beautiful photography and inspiring quotes from sages past and present. You can view the presentation by clicking this link: http://www.motivateus.com/quotation-powerpoint.htm.
I know you will enjoy it!
Many Blessings!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Praise

Today is the Day You have made, Dear Godspirit. Help me to rejoice and be glad in it. I am open and receptive to Your Divine Guidance, Grace, Favor, and Power today! Let the words of my mouth be those Words You would have me Speak, with love, compassion, patience, understanding, and care. Help me to be gentle with others, especially now with the world situation as it is - help me to be a still small voice of calm in the midst of the chaos. When I put my focus and attention on You, Sweet Spirit, nothing else can harm me. You alone are my Source and Supply. You alone are my constant companion. I never need to fear being alone, lost, or forgotten, for You are always beside me. I am a part of You and You are a part of me. We are inseparable. Help my awareness to fully grasp this concept. Thank You for all the Blessings You have given me and thank you for those to come, Blessings of Abundance and Gratitude, Opportunity and Increase, Health and Love. I am prospered more and more every time I think of You and give You Thanks! Your love and energy flow through me now, expressing as perfect health, vitality, ideas, energy, and direction! I know what to do and I happily and gladly do it! I am guided in all that I undertake - You are my leader and guide, directing me in the right ways that please You, that fulfill Your Will for my life.
Thank You, GodSpirit, for placing me in the right place at the right time to express Your Divine Will. Thank You for Allowing Me to be Graced and Favored by You Today and Always. Thank You for guiding and protecting my family and restoring health, prosperity, love, and understanding where it is needed.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some New Ways to Pray During a Busy Day at Work

Most people have heard of Guideposts, the magazine produced by the Norman Vincent Peale organization; one of their services is "OurPrayer" - a prayer website/network that is part of the Ruth Stafford Peale Prayer Power Network, a service of Guideposts. This site is as wonderful as Unity; it is full of creative and inspiring stories and techniques devoted to prayer and its effects.
Rick Hamlin, Executive Editor of Guideposts, shares his tips on prayer in an interesting short video found HERE: http://www.ourprayer.org/new-ways-to-pray-video.
I hope you check it out - it's worth listening to, even if you have tried some of the techniques he shares - and the best thing about what he says is that there is no wrong way to pray - just the simple act of trying to pray is praying.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inspiring Dinner Time Routines and Traditions

Wendy at First Rate Family (wendy@firstratefamily.com) sent a link to an inspiring site featuring submissions from people all over the country sharing their dinner time traditions and/or routines. It is interesting just to read about the creative ways people share their mealtimes!

There looks like lots of other interesting and encouraging items at this site as well, so hop on over and check them out!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Feeding the Multitudes!

Enjoy this Fantastic - and Peaceful - activity - thanks to aBowman!
(move cursor/pointer over pond and watch the fish "follow"! Click to feed them!
Truly and example of Abundance from the Universe!
Blessings to all!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just Joined Spirit Writers!

Just discovered another amazing resource - and I am now a member of it! "Spirit Writers" offers a lot of encouragement and inspiration from their writers! Visit them today!

Opportunities for Writers

Great Spirit Publishing has opportunities for writers to contribute to their collections being developed. Some of what they're working on includes:

~ Spirit Dancer Anthology
~ Transcendental Woman
~ Blessed are the Children
~ Look Upward, Angel!
~ Ripples of Good

Current items available include:
~ A Valentine for Carole
~ A White Soaring Bird
~ My Eternal Northwest Spirit
~ Two Rivers

~ Spirit Heart Creations also has other customizable creative services available, plus specialized items such as Emprayerment(R) Stones, Shells, and other items, and Jessie's Friendship Dolls(R). Also visit their store at http://www.cafepress.com/SpiritHeart (a work in progress, like all the rest! More to come there in the future as designs are developed!).

Victoria Osteen

Victoria Osteen is the wife of Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Joel is a fabulous minister, and extremely "metaphysical" in his teachings but from a slightly traditional religious perspective. What I like is that he is not "preachy" in his approach. What he teaches is Truth, however, because he helps people realize their value in God's eyes. I don't get to watch their service every week, but when I do, it always has a message - seemingly - meant just for me!
Victoria Osteen is very impressive as well. She has just released her first book - Love Your Life - and I look forward to reading it. I just discovered her website - www.victoriaosteen.com. There, she offers resources aimed, I think primarily, toward women, but it's good, practical advise anyone can use. I encourage you to visit her site and browse her material. She's quite a lady! I look forward to going back and looking at her site when I have more time to look around! ;)

Meditation Timer - a very cool resource!

Christopher Westra (http://www.icreateprofits.com/) pointed me toward this really cool resource - you can use it to listen to a variety of free music or use it as a way to practice timed meditation (you can set it for up to 60 minutes).
I hope you like it!
(at left is an image of how it looks - you can access the Timer by clicking the link below, then follow the directions about how to set the time, select music, and then sit back and enjoy!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

World Day of Prayer to Unite Millions on 9/11

Unity's annual World Day of Prayer on September 11, 2008 - brings millions together to celebrate oneness for healing in the world. Prayer services will be held across continents, with live streamed events broadcast from Unity (click this link for more info: http://www.worlddayofprayer.org).
In the Springfield, Missouri, community, Christ Church Unity will hold prayer services all day on September 11. Their prayerful affirmation for the day: "Rejoicing in our oneness with God and one another, we celebrate healing in every aspect of our lives and in the world."
Throughout our busy day, let us pause now and then to prayerfully hold in heart and mind our families, loved ones, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and yes, even those we are not close to, in the golden healing Light of Spirit to dare to imagine a global healing of universal proportion. May we make it a day of kindness and service to others, setting aside our own concerns to help someone in greater need in whatever way we can.
Practice "random acts of blessing" today and every day - let the blessings begin with you and you will be beautifully blessed in return. Open your Heart to Receive the Light of Spiritual Illumination and feel the Peace flowing through you. Know that You are One with Spirit. You are One with All That Is. Know that GodSpirit has a plan for your life and for your healing to bring your awareness to the Wholeness that you are - you are the Wholly One and One with the Whole.
May you be Blessed richly and completely and make Gratitude your Mantra - "I am Grateful and I am Blessed, Now and Always." Allow yourSelf to be open and receptive to the hearts around you and seek to provide comfort and peace.
There is no place where God is not, so remember that you are never alone. Allow yourSelf to bask in the perfection of Creation, witness now to the incredible evolution of life and Spirit, neither a separate act, but both One in Union with the Divine, a process of Spiritual Unfoldment within us, through us, and as Us.
Thank You, Blessed Spirit, that we are all blessed and guided by Your Perfect Presence now and always.
This, or something Better, with the Highest Good for All Concerned, now and forever.
And so it is.

Is there any such thing as "Useless Work"?

I came upon Apple Seeds in 2003; this webiste provides lots of inspiring quotes, prayers, blessings, and short writings that encourage the spirit, sometimes making one laugh, and other times touchinig the soul. I came across the following item from May, 2008 - it is a wonderful little story/parable about doing useless work - I hope you enjoy it! (You can read more at http://www.appleseeds.org)

Doing Useless Work (Author/Source Unknown)

"Legend tells of a king who needed a faithful servant and had to choose between two likely candidates. He took both of them on a trial basis and told them to fill a basket with water from a nearby rain barrel, saying he would come in the evening to inspect their work. After dumping several buckets of water into a basket, one of the candidates said, "What is the good of doing this useless work? As soon as we pour water in, it just runs out the sides of the basket."

The other candidate answered, "But we have our wages, haven’t we? The use is the king’s business, not ours."

"Well, I’m not going to do such fool’s work," replied the complainer. Throwing down the bucket, he went away.

The other candidate continued until he had drained the barrel. Looking into it, he saw something shining at the bottom that proved to be a sparkling diamond. "Now I see the usefulness of pouring water into the basket!" he exclaimed. "If the bucket had brought up the diamond before the barrel was emptied, it would have been found in the basket. My work was not foolish or useless, after all."

When God’s blessing does not fully coincide with your expectations, remember to wait until the barrel is emptied. There may be something precious at the bottom."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Wholeness Blessing Walk Scheduled!!

"A Guided Walk in Nature designed to help you Reconnect to your Spiritual Self while Becoming more Aware and Receptive to the Blessings in Your Life"
Saturday, September 27, 2008, 10:00 a.m.*

Springfield Conservation Nature Center
4600 S. ChrismanSpringfield, MO 65804
Facilitated by Barbara Quin

Join us for a Guided Walk in Nature at a casual pace, pausing here and there to reflect on Blessings, share a prayer or question, and reflect on our Wholeness while welcoming more Blessings Awareness into our daily experience. This Wholeness Blessing Walk is designed to help you reconnect to your Spiritual Self while becoming more Aware and Receptive to the Blessings available in Your Life.

A Journal will be provided for your use in collecting thoughts, ideas, inspirations, drawings, and Blessing Messages you’ll want to remember.

Group Size is limited to 10 – so please register early!
(additional Walks will be scheduled based on demand)

Meet at the small group seating area in front of the Nature Center (near the beginning of the trails). Wear comfortable clothing and good walking shoes.
Allow two hours for the Walk. Bring water/juice, camera, jacket, hat, and sunscreen – whatever you need for being outside for awhile…but avoid having to carry lots of “stuff”!

What will we do? We will learn about receiving Blessings, share prayers and thoughts, and reconnect to our Spiritual Self with breathing and Awareness development exercises.
This could be a transformative experience or it could just be a walk in the park – it’s all up to you, but you will be Blessed!

To register, contact Barbara Quin at blessingcircle@yahoo.com,

Love Offering gratefully accepted!
*Weather permitting (call 417.866.1802 to confirm if weather seems in question.)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Royal Purpose

Here's an interesting website promoting a book that encourages people to go for their hearts' desires - their God-instilled dreams and passions - the book is called "Releasing Kings for Ministry in the Marketplace," and the website is http://www.releasing-kings.com/. The two guys who wrote the book are dedicated to helping people all over the world discover their purpose and live prospered and happy lives. They have a positive message that affirms we should have prosperity, abundance, health, happiness, love, and all the while be fulfilling God's Will - otherwise known as our Heart's Desire! Check them out!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Be Inspired by The Waltons again with "Olivia's" Story

Anyone growing up in the 60's and 70's remember The Waltons, an idyllic family living through the hard times of the Depression Era. A rock in the story was Olivia Walton, played by actress Michael Learned. I just came across her inspiring story on the Unity Online website. I loved The Waltons and how they always came through their challenges with faith and family intact. You will be inspired by Michael's story - I hope it touches your heart as it did mine. Here is the link:


If the above link doesn't work for some reason, go to www.unityonline.org, select the "Prayer" link in the left column, then select Inspirational Stories and "My Spiritual Journey" by Michael Learned.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Power Up update...

I recently unsubscribed to the POWER UP service because of an article published this week criticizing Eckhart Tolle's work A NEW EARTH, branding it as not being Christian. I haven't read A NEW EARTH yet, but want to, and would not consider it "un"Christian - it is a work that deals with helping to evolve the Spirit - that was what Jesus was about - how can it be unChristian?

Anyway, I'm leaving the post made in July as a resource because I want to give people positive resources - and I have read some good articles there - but I encourage you to make your own decisions after reading anything - including this blog! But please refrain from judging or criticizing another resource as being wrong - because what's wrong for one might be just the right thing for someone else - we are all at different places on the journey. It's easy to get caught up in "I'm right and you're not" when it comes to spiritual beliefs. I want to be careful of that too, even though "I believe" that what I post here is the best quality material. It really just means it speaks to and comes from my heart in the effort to inspire and encourage others along their journey.


Healing Circles...


This is a wonderful blog I came upon while surfing for something else. Jae has a beautiful and heart-touching style of writing graced with a fine dusting of humor - you will enjoy this blog!

She also has a website at http://oneselfcares.com/index.html. This deals with Self (capital S) and looks very inspiring. Check it out!


Monday, July 28, 2008

Women of Faith and Power Up!

Click here to Learn More!

Here's an interesting resource - I have subscribed to Power Up! since living in Washington State five years ago (beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!). While it is a little more "traditional" in its concept, it does offer positive articles about faith and living a better life. You can subscribe to their newsletter only (which is what I do), or subscribe (and pay) for their complete magazine. I believe they are now operated out of Lake Mary, Florida.

The same company apparently manages the Women of Faith, which looks very powerful - but remember to keep your own opinion when viewing or visiting any website which purports the one and only way (not that either of these do, just an opinion in general) - do take from these resources all that touches your heart and spirit!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

United World Healing!

This is FANTASTIC! I just found this very cool resource - http://www.unitedworldhealing.org/, "changing the world through vision and action." Founded by Jackie Lapin, author of The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, and the website http://www.manifestbooks.com/.

I encourage you to check out these fantastic resources! I haven't gotten into them in depth yet, but I can tell they are wonderful resources devoted to something near and dear to all of us! :)

Thank you, Jackie, for your inspiring work! I am looking forward to learning more about United World Healing!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Transcendental Woman - Joyce O'Neal

Joyce O'Neal leads a very interesting and full life! Mother of four, she had a nursing career spanning 30 years, is a syndicated columnist, and currently works as the editor of a Midwest senior newspaper! Ask her about her"red hat" and she'll tell you all about it! But whether times were good or difficult, Joyce has always known the value of love in her life. Click photo above and follow link on left of page to read Joyce's story.
Transcendental Woman! Celebrating the Female Spirit!

We welcome your submission for publishing consideration - contact us at transcendentalwoman@yahoo.com or at heartlandprayer@yahoo.com. We will consider stories about inspiring women (and men or children), angel stories for our "Look Upward Angel!" section, or other material of a spiritual nature for "Spirit Dancer," and prayer/meditation items for "Heartland Prayer."

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Prayer in the Heartland

Thanksgiving to the Wonderful Healing Power of Spirit for the healing work done through the grandmother of a friend who requested prayers!

The Heartland.

When you read or hear the words, what do you think of? Gentle rolling hills, dairy or farm country of the American Midwest or Irish countryside? Where is the Heartland, to you?

We may identify a physical place as the "Heartland," but really, it comes down to only one true place - and that's right in the center of...


Yes, your Heartland is in the very center of you! You are there, no matter where you go!

And Spirit is there with you! No matter where you go, Spirit is there - beside you, around you, over you, under you, and Within You! So unpack the bags and cancel the flight - you don't have to go anywhere to get to the Heartland!

"Prayer in the Heartland" means that prayer originates within our hearts, the center of us where we are already connected with Spirit. Instead of reaching out to God, allow yourself to relax and turn inward to the dwellingplace of Spirit.

More thoughts coming soon on this topic.

If you would like prayer coaching or support, send your request to heartlandprayer@yahoo.com.

Blessings, Friend!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Improving your prayer life

Here are some common sense tips on changing up your prayer life, if you've become bored or discouraged by your routine.
Note: BeliefNet is a great site full of all kinds of resources to inspire your spiritual journey!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why would you pray?

Here is a link to a powerful article written by Dr. Loretta Standley on "Why would you pray?" She offers wonderful insight and suggestions for making your prayer time more satisfying and productive! http://www.drstandley.com/guidance_prayer.shtml

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Welcome to Heartland Prayer!

Welcome to Heartland Prayer! We are here to provide prayer support and to help hold you up in Spirit's Light in the best of times and in times when you need a little extra help!

Why Heartland Prayer? Well, why not? Where is the Heartland, after all, but in the very Center of your Being, the very place where Prayer comes from, is felt the most, and where Spirit hears and answers! Because every land is the Heartland, and therein dwells the Spirit of God!

In the coming days, we'll be sharing information about prayer and other spiritual topics such as meditation, oneness, the Will of Spirit, etc., but in the meantime, feel free to submit a prayer request or question about prayer. We will pray for and with you and provide you the encouragement you need whenever requesting prayer. Anytime someone feels the need - or utilizes the privilege! - of reaching out to someone else for prayer support - the need in their life is great. We know this. We've been there and done that! If nothing else, prayer reminds us we are not alone and that someone else cares. Spirit cares of course, but a human connection sometimes help make the difference in holding on or giving up while we wait for Spirit's timing to unfold.

We hope you will share your prayers of praise for all the good things that have come into your life and offer in confidence your prayer requests. All prayer requests will remain confidential and communciations will never be shared without the express written consent and permission of the requester. Prayer is a private and confidential experience between you and Spirit (God, Great Spirit, Higher Power, or whatever and however you refer to the Higher Being that created and continues to create All).

Contacting us is simple - all you have to do is send an e-mail to heartlandprayer@yahoo.com and we will respond with prayer support and spiritual encouragement to help you meet life's challenges!

Thank you so much for visiting us today! We hope you will return and share with us again!