Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Praise

Today is the Day You have made, Dear Godspirit. Help me to rejoice and be glad in it. I am open and receptive to Your Divine Guidance, Grace, Favor, and Power today! Let the words of my mouth be those Words You would have me Speak, with love, compassion, patience, understanding, and care. Help me to be gentle with others, especially now with the world situation as it is - help me to be a still small voice of calm in the midst of the chaos. When I put my focus and attention on You, Sweet Spirit, nothing else can harm me. You alone are my Source and Supply. You alone are my constant companion. I never need to fear being alone, lost, or forgotten, for You are always beside me. I am a part of You and You are a part of me. We are inseparable. Help my awareness to fully grasp this concept. Thank You for all the Blessings You have given me and thank you for those to come, Blessings of Abundance and Gratitude, Opportunity and Increase, Health and Love. I am prospered more and more every time I think of You and give You Thanks! Your love and energy flow through me now, expressing as perfect health, vitality, ideas, energy, and direction! I know what to do and I happily and gladly do it! I am guided in all that I undertake - You are my leader and guide, directing me in the right ways that please You, that fulfill Your Will for my life.
Thank You, GodSpirit, for placing me in the right place at the right time to express Your Divine Will. Thank You for Allowing Me to be Graced and Favored by You Today and Always. Thank You for guiding and protecting my family and restoring health, prosperity, love, and understanding where it is needed.

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