Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I feel honored and grateful!

Today, I received an invitation to read a very special poem at a Native American program locally. Back in the early 1990's I was inspired (and by that I mean it was from SPIRIT directly) to write a poem called "Spirit Dancer." I went on to publish a chapbook magazine for four years called "Spirit Dancer" that contained articles from all over the country! I am currently working on a book called Spirit Dancer that will bring together all my articles and poetry from those magazines, plus a few select other articles from contributors back then.

Today, a dear friend, we'll call her Prairie Flower, invited me to read "Spirit Dancer" (the poem) at a Native American program to be held at The Oneness Center where she will bestow an award connected with the Trail of Tears to the Southwest Missouri Indian Center. It will be Sunday afternoon, March 29. I am so excited and honored and blessed! I won't get any money for it of course, but it is a very good thing, I think - I can feel it! (contact me for location information)

Thank you, Great Spirit, for starting the winds of POSITIVE growth and change and abundance blowing in my direction! Yeah!!

You can get a free copy of the original poem, Spirit Dancer, by visiting this page and clicking the link in the top left corner of the home page. I hope you will be blessed by it as I have been! Here is the link:


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Got Gratitude on your iPhone?

I just posted this on my other blog at, but thought it was so neat that I decided to put it here as well. Here is the full re-post:

iPhone Gratitude App
Wow. Just when you think they can't invent anything else, along comes a really super way to help you be even more grateful! I found out about this on Rebecca Fine's website, The Science of Getting Rich (find it at She just sent out an update today and this was included. I don't have an iPhone, but I would have loved to come up with this idea! Carla White was inspired to create it after discovering how powerful an attitude of gratitude can be! Yeah, Carla! Even if you don't have an iPhone, you can get inspiration just from looking at the promo they have of this product - it's very cool! Click on the image above to find out more... Thanks, Rebecca and Carla, for such wonderful creativity and sharing! Blessings!